Tuesday 17 May 2011

Hehe sleepy teachers!

He he I know I haven’t written for a while so I’ll get typing because something interesting happened today. First period I had French, I know what you’re thinking! Boring! Yes it is we have this horrible teacher who is always grumpy and tells everyone to take their scarfs and jackets off. I mean its cold miss! I'm wet from the hail hitting me this morning as I got off the bus. So I endured an hour and a half period of French and my day passed. Blah, blah, blah. ANYWAY TO THE EXCITING PART! While we were listening to boring assembly, this teacher at the back fell asleep! As I type this it just started hailing. It was a lady teacher, quite old, blond hair (fake!) and she just fell asleep sitting up. Reminded me of my grandpa; nah just kidding my grandpa doesn’t fall asleep during important meetings. And then we got free bibles! Hurrah! Clap and whoop! Nah our school isn’t a religious school or anything but all the year 9’s get them. :o I just told you my year! My drama teacher (Miss Rae) she is so hilarious! She said to the class “Okay everyone put your bibles away.” In started laughing so hard I nearly fell off my chair. Oh I did in 2nd period, I thought it would be cool to swing on my chair but oh no it resulted to me on the floor making an utter dick of myself. My story is coming along good. I'm up to chapter 6. Any ideas where I could promote my blog? I’ll let you know tomorrow or so who the teacher was so we can all have a laugh. I’ll even attempt to snap a pic of her.
Toodles! Lady X

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