Saturday 9 July 2011

School social anyone?

Dont you just love school socials? Glow sticks, boys, skanky & slutty clothes? I do! My favourite thing to do at scoials is to jump! The music was sick and the boys were hot. But unfortunatly I didnt get asked out. Only if i wanted to be rooted. :/ Boys are so unimpressive. Me and Fred X had a bumbiling time! It was super. Comment for a picture of Fred X :)

Miss X

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Hehe sleepy teachers!

He he I know I haven’t written for a while so I’ll get typing because something interesting happened today. First period I had French, I know what you’re thinking! Boring! Yes it is we have this horrible teacher who is always grumpy and tells everyone to take their scarfs and jackets off. I mean its cold miss! I'm wet from the hail hitting me this morning as I got off the bus. So I endured an hour and a half period of French and my day passed. Blah, blah, blah. ANYWAY TO THE EXCITING PART! While we were listening to boring assembly, this teacher at the back fell asleep! As I type this it just started hailing. It was a lady teacher, quite old, blond hair (fake!) and she just fell asleep sitting up. Reminded me of my grandpa; nah just kidding my grandpa doesn’t fall asleep during important meetings. And then we got free bibles! Hurrah! Clap and whoop! Nah our school isn’t a religious school or anything but all the year 9’s get them. :o I just told you my year! My drama teacher (Miss Rae) she is so hilarious! She said to the class “Okay everyone put your bibles away.” In started laughing so hard I nearly fell off my chair. Oh I did in 2nd period, I thought it would be cool to swing on my chair but oh no it resulted to me on the floor making an utter dick of myself. My story is coming along good. I'm up to chapter 6. Any ideas where I could promote my blog? I’ll let you know tomorrow or so who the teacher was so we can all have a laugh. I’ll even attempt to snap a pic of her.
Toodles! Lady X

Sunday 8 May 2011

Oh look at the cobwebs!

Gosh I have not written since mum’s birthday and today it is mother’s day! My mum got a cup of tea any many artistic drawings from my brother and sister. School is what my blog is about but I can’t really say much as I have been absent for the past few days. I can’t tell you which of the following I have but can be a sore tongue, leg cramps or period pains. Lol nah it’s my tongue. Now everyone knows who I am. Anyway I watched many re-runs of Shortland St this morning while mum nagged me to make her a cup of tea. School has been long but all my mates have been really good. If I do end up going to school tomorrow (mother X says I'm too sick) ill make sure I write about my day period by period.  Two windows are open; Facebook and Document1. Today the weather is gloomy and I have just finished drinking my chamomile tea. I think it really helps my tongue but I could be mistaken. I better leave because my aim is short and sweet.
Lady X

Thursday 28 April 2011

Mother's Birthday

It was mums birthday today. I sit at the table after just singing happy birthday. With my dog warming me up as I write as its freezing! Uncle P just put the fire on but it’s taking ages to warm up the house. My mum has just celebrated her 21st birthday. Just kidding she is 38 ha-has! Two years until she celebrates her fortieth birthday. Eating my marble cake and mum got a $50 H and Jays Voucher. Truth is told I hate cake. It’s stodgy and gross. Today we walked around ½ a kilometre but we decided to taxi the rest. Mc Donald’s was on the menu today but I saved myself the extra weight gain and substituted with a cheese burger and no fries or chips. Any way did a lot of walking so hopefully I weight 35 kgs again. Goooooood Bye
Lady X

Monday 25 April 2011

ANZAC Day 25 / 04

Today is ANZAC day when we all pay our respects to all the brave New Zealanders and Australians who fell during the war. While NZ was paying respects we were in our beds fast asleep. Today was boring just Sims, internet, Mc Donald’s and Farmers.   At Farmers I helped mother X try on clothes. I picked out a lot of clothes and mother X turned them all down. I forced mother X into the changing room and threw a pile of clothes into her changing room. She looked stunning. We checked out with a cool knitted dress (with belt intact) and an Ella J stretch T. Mother X’s sister, Aunty M (Her initial) came down from nelson and my cousins are here as well. My friends granddad died yesterday so she has not been texting me witch is sad. Mother X is sitting beside me while I type and the fire roars. I am so hungry!
Lady X

Sunday 24 April 2011

Sims2 for PC is really not good for the eyes

My eyes have been killing me all week so I have banned off the computer by mother X. I hope you have not missed me. I have been on Sims a lot (Sneaky…) but not the internet to blog. Its lunch time in Invergiggle. We run out of toilet paper so we are all holding onto our knickers awaiting the groceries to come. I wonder if its patterned or plain.  Gosh it’s a warm day mother X mowed the lawns and its making me all itchy. Ive found people I went to primary school with on Facebook. On and before I forget I want to wish all my readers a HAPPY EASTER! I only remembered because my brother ill call him Little X’s little brother or LXLB for short. I munch away at my chocolate bunny. Google is on and im going to search about someone called Sonny Bill Williams because Mother X wants me to see if he is cute. Better go Mother X is getting cranky……
Lady X

Thursday 21 April 2011


I went to Mc Donald’s today. Don’t judge! I only weigh 40-50 kgs. I just noticed that Invercargill people are quite large, with big rolly bellies. I’m kind of against fat people, they annoy me! I got a deluxe cheese burger and raspberry frozen coke! After that I and mummy X went up town. We went to the lolly shop and bought strawberry life savers. They are my absolute favourite. Then I bought Sims 2 for PC from EB games for $31. And can you believe it I got eyelashes tinted blackish blue and eyebrows shaped. Beauty and beyond is a great salon. My sister went to her friend’s b-day party today. I had pizza today. I might see that if tomorrow I can get a snapshot of my Sims character that looks like me. Anyway I said that I can’t stand fatties I’m slim so if your fat sorry xD   
Lady X

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Town is not so fun with ripped jeans..........

Wednesday 20th April 7pm

Don’t you just hate it when you’re walking around town with two giant holes in your jeans and you see someone you know? Ugh. Totally shame faced right now. So as i said Little X and Friendly X went shopping with me. We went to a lot of shops. For examples, the lolly shop, Warehouse, Whitcouls, Mc D’s, Asian shops, Jay jays, etc. My back is aching and to make matters worse I nearly got hit by a speeding vehicle today. Even though I believe he was in the wrong, it could have likely been me. Any way now I’m $29 dollars less than yesterday I was thinking of buying Sims 2 from EB games for $31! Bargain seeing as I’m addicted to any game that has people walking around. Also another bargain is that I got 2x Trademe’s most memorable auctions. How much? $2 for both seeing as its buy one get one free. I nearly fainted at the counter. It’s around 7:00 pm. I have not had any dinner yet. I wonder if any of you know who I am yet………………………
Lady X

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Mc D's

Tuesday 19th April
I sit at Mc Donald’s watching all the flat slobs, old ladies, teenagers and little kids chomp away at their big macs and happy meals. Today I visited the orthodontist. It was horrible. I will need 4 teeth extracted and $7000 worth of braces. I went to warehouse today and got 71 photos of my birthday printed off and I pinned them in a brick like fashion along my wall. Next time ill get my room filled with pictures. Mwah aha!! The weather is bleak right now and im just driving home. Three cheers for Mc D’s Wi-Fi! Going shopping with my mate tomorrow, we will hit the southland streets. But I have to take my little sister along. We shall call her little X and my mate friendly X. LOL! So love the new idea of a blog. Love yas
Lady X

Monday 18 April 2011

My Day 18/4/11

Okay, I decided to reply about today. Today the 18 Apr. 11 I did ……….. NOTHING! Well basically that’s a lie because I did go to my aunties house, used Skype, cleaned my bedroom and walked to a 4 square somewhere in southland. We got some bluebird chips, lollies, throat lollies (I am not feeling 100%) chocolate bars, etcetera. Tomorrow I am going to the orthodontist to talk about getting braces. =0 Anyway so it’s quite late and my family (Brother, Mother, Sister) Are all up annoying me. I sip at my camomile tea. I really wanted sleepy tea but oh no we seem to have run out. Any who I fiddle with my birthday present, a broken love heart pendant that has mother and daughter. My half says um and hter. LOL.  So you don’t know much about me. I guess its my first day as a “Blogger” So ill hurry along and drink my tea.
Lady X

Lady X

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Here i will tell you about my family, South land Girls High School and every other little detail that comes into my life.
 Sometime this month was my birthday and i received a laptop. I had a vision to start a blog. You will not know my age, my face, or my name. I will be known as lady X. All that you can know is my school and that i am typing from somewhere in South NZ! Any questions from the wonderful people of the world who want to know about where i am, questions about any thing in particular are welcome. Ill let you go and Tell you about my day that I'm going to have. Its 12:30pm (Lunchtime)

Lady X